could choose to be prim
and proper, or one could choose to be a complete mesh…
two world and in two minds it’s sometimes hard to reconcile one
within the other or one without. While some have chose the latter to
go mesh
clothes, skin and shape and who knows probably mind, though what a
is like is something far to tangled to contemplate, while others
retain the old school tie, so to speak, 100 % prim,
and also quite possibly in mind too. Then there are those who
mix-and-match, pick-and-choose, bits of this and bits of that and try
and make them fit which is tricky as mesh
and prims
are rarely made to meet each other’s eye. So, a little tinkering
and cheating is required to make an almost seamless join.
may choose to keep their skin and shape while choosing mostly mesh
clothes, sometimes making a bit of a mesh-mash
but with careful stitching can usually be made to seem organic and
natural. Meanwhile meshers
don’t have this dilemma and just go all-in mesh-mad
even with their heads. Now there’s a tricky thing, a mesh
body with a prim,
or what I’d call normal, head but as long as you tone your skin
just right it’s not insurmountable. Especially that still mesh
heads come with few variations and you can end up looking like a
hundred or a thousand others: a world of doppelgangers!
course some mesh
clothes and bits and bobs are made to fit prim
bodies and just as well as even mesh
bodies are slippery things and finding the right mesh
clothes to even vaguely fit is a humongously uninviting challenge.
to mesh
hair, which is debatable at best insofar as does it really work as
well as prim
hair? The jury’s out probably and no one likes their hair to be
dissed. But, mesh
hair works best when short and only certain long or medium styles
look halfway decent with so many looking ill-fitting, clumsy, clunky
and clompy, if any hair can be either of those things It does have a
habit of looking like it’s been glued down with tons of hairspray,
being that it doesn’t actually move. This is partly solved when
is mixed with some prim
to give it some flexi,
and a flyaway touch when moving, perhaps a more natural look and
probably feel, after all we all feel, even in Second Life.
biggest problem for mesh
is we all have different computers with different computing power and
as opposed to prims,
needs lots, and I mean lots! Otherwise you wind up surrounded by
two-dimensional coloured human shapes or even more disturbing,
distorted clothing gone awry sometimes absolutely massive unable to
resolve in your screen because basically they are over-scripted, and
you’re under-powered. So SL can seem even more alien than it
usually is with a plethora of mishapes (or
meshapes) because
needs more than most of us SL’ers have.
problem doesn’t happen with prims
and the now largely left behind sculpties
never really sat too comfortably being they weren’t actually the
shape they appeared and were in-disguised, invisible massive blocks
that you either kept bumping into or walking through which made you
think you had some superpower, and made a mockery of walls, making
them pretty much superfluous along with everything else that was
supposed to be a solid object. It could look good but interacting
with it was impossible. Prims
are undoubtedly the most screen and computer-friendly, the sculpt
too in that sense but not very interactive-friendly, with mesh
being proper memory-gobblers, slow to resolve and can sometimes go
hugely mental, hence, not so screen and computer-friendly. Unless
you’re an evil genius with the most powerful computer in the world
stealing everyone else’s computing power! Mwahahahahahahaha!
course, if you’re not into SL you won’t have a clue what I’m
talking about and think I’m just making it all up or talking on
tongues. So, just take my word for it: there’s mesh,
there’s prims,
and sometimes there’s sculpties
and they all go together like a blind-date gone wrong, when all the
two parties can’t wait to do is politely make ones excuses and
prims are ‘primitives’, visual 3D object with predefined
parameter used as the building blocks in SL to make basically
everything lok and interact the way they do.
can’t be bothered to define anything else LOL.
© Anan Eebus 2019