I found it!
I finally found the lost snowflake, now can I have my cake and eat it?
Just the one photo today to wish you all a
**Happy and Peaceful Christmas**
especially after the year we've had, it's been real and real weird. My hunt for the lost snowflakes continues but I am getting warmer and warmer and warmer . . . . . . . .
love and hugs to you all {xxx}
Let's dance!
I haven't yet found the lost snowflake but I thought, being Christmas Eve and all it was time for some downtime and guess who obliged? Santa himself! Yes! The actual Santa of course and my oh my what a mover he is. Bet y'all didn't know how fleet-of-foot and strictly come dancing he could be, well, let me tell you, if we can be partners on next years Strictly dance-offs then we're a shoe-in for sure.
So here's your BUMPER Xmascellany photoblog to ensure you don't miss a dance step. Feel free to dance along step by boogie step. I will be back on the quest tomorrow, as soon as my legs recover.
(dancing in Zebria)
Well, this lost snowflake won't find itself, and I just know I'm closing in on it. I've found plenty of clues along the way, that is, in between sleeping on benches, drinking gallons of coffee, waiting for trains, making snow angels and snowball bombing snowmen, especially the abominable ones. So, here is more of my Xmascellany adventures on my winter quest.
(random footprints left in SnowGlobe and Sanguinus Hollow)
Clearly I have nothing better to do than run around the countryside looking for lost snowflakes, after all, what else is there to do in a lockdown. Well, I haven't found it yet but been having fun trying, although some days have been most trying, tiring, I waited all night at one train station and let me tell you it was chilly sleeping on that platform. Later I did find a bauble to doze inside though, which was quite handy really, finding a convenient vacant bauble me-sized, when I need it. Still, I'm now feeling very refreshed and ready for more traipsing and trundling through the snowy snows of snowland. Or mostly just a lot of me just sitting around.
(tales of Tinsel Town and Salfina)
Christmas comes creeping on creepity-feet, in snow-shoes bearing gifts encased in balls of snow which it will throw into the air, high, high up into the air, so many at once, one after the other as quick as a juggler and quicker til they all become clouds that float in the winter's sky until they're too heavy to stay in the sky and down they come to cover the land and the sea and the trees in flakes floating free to land on you nose, on your hand on your toes if you're not wearing shoes to blanket the colours in white to make them all new once again until such time that their time comes again to melt.
(found in Andarah, Bloodlines, Death Row Designs, The Forest and Midnight Cove)
I thought I found the lost snowflake today on my Xmascellany trail, rolled up in a snowball but nope. It was a foolsflake, but it was made of chocolate so I didn't complain and ate it instead. So on and on I go and go on my seemingly never-ending quest leave footprints wherever I go and go and go and go and go and go.
(more in and outs from Andarah)