I’m sorry to say I missed posting here for Halloween and missed pretty much every SL Halloween thing. Although, it’s ok, I did have a rock on time in RL which kept me preoccupied, dressing up for a couple of Halloween parties and events, even a Halloween dog show, which was completely bizarre.
The competitions at the Show were, unsurprisingly all for dogs and some of the categories included 'Lovely Vampires', being the prettiest female dog, 'Dapper Druid', the most handsome dog, 'Fangtastic Fancy Dress', 'Jed-eyes', the most appealing dog that a judge would describe as a ‘take home’ dog, the 'Gruesome Twosome' where both dog and owner are judged, 'Hubble-Bubble (I get into trouble dog)' which is obviously the naughtiest dog, 'Trick or Treat' for the best, you guessed it, trick, 'Waviest Wand' for the best waggle tail and 'Perfect Pumpkins' for puppies up to 12 months old. Yes, it was weird and hysterically funny.
I don’t have a dog but my friend does so I went with her, and we both went with her dog who was obviously dead keen on going.
So, I feel I owe you, and my SL blog, to include a suitably Halloweeny picture which I’ve included here, ta-daa!
I know this isn’t a very SL-content-rich blog this time so hopefully my next one will be, that is when I find time to have enough time in SL. But rest assured, I will, for sure, in the build up to Christmas which now that Halloween is over I could say starts . . . . . . now! Ho-ho-ho.